Year 8 Letter - Reading

Wed 16 Feb 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,

Today I met with Year 8 in assembly to talk with them about the importance of reading. All of the research shows
that young people who read for pleasure are happier, more emotionally resilient and far more likely to be
successful in examinations and later in life.
The impact of reading for just twenty minutes a day is really significant. Research shows that students who read
for twenty minutes a day are likely to perform 90% better in exams than those who only read for one minute.
Over the last two weeks we have been testing our Year 8 students in their accelerated reader lessons. Students'
reading ages have generally dropped since the last test. In the main this is due to the impact of COVID and self-
isolation where many young people did not have the opportunity to read.

This week all Year 8 have selected a reading book from the library. They are expected to have this reading book
with them at all times in the academy and are expected to take it home each night.
As a parent we would ask that you read with them for twenty minutes a night or at least encourage them to read
somewhere quiet in the house.
We are encouraging our students to take regular AR tests to test their understanding of the book they have read.
They can do this by clicking on the Accelerated Reader link on our website.

Again, we would ask you to support us and your child by encouraging your child to quiz at home.
We will be celebrating our top quizzers and readers each week. Please look for this on social media.
Lastly, we are trying to recruit parent readers who would be willing to come into school to read with our young
people in the library during the week. If you are interested in this and can offer an hour in the week please email
me on

Link to the letter with more information is here